About Me

About Me

From transitioning a single life to motherhood path is actually overwhelming, yet being actually in that shoe, it was a phenomenal.

As soon as my little angel came to our lives, she changes the way I see things. Ive got to experience things I think is beyond my imagination and I believe this journey is unending learnings I am excited to discover and acquire to. From latching, changing diapers, sleepless nights, crying moments and giggling ones which pretty made me realize that this trip is a roller coaster ride. This made you comprehend things only mothers can fully understand. This bestow a kind of love that is deeper than the sea and widest as the sky.  And this let you embrace the greatest love that warmth your little family.

I am a mom of super charming energetic, Calie and a wife to my most incredible man in the universe, Dandi.  I’m a stay-at-home mom more likely a pandemic mom, char!

And, our simple home is the very witness of our wonderful moments together as our little family grow.

I’m a former college instructor and been in different jobs before I landed my most noble profession, being a mommy. My husband is currently working as home-based web designer. We make a good team, as pay attention to our assignments to made humble home.

Stay tuned because I'll be sharing my very own random stories and insights about parenting a child, being a wife and especially random “budol” stories. 😂

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